【學好英文】港人IELTS成績每況愈下 補習名師拆解8大港人常錯英文
發布時間: 2021/04/23 13:35
最後更新: 2021/08/06 09:31
香港人對不少常用的英文字都會用錯,香港人在國際英文考試IELTS中的成績愈來愈不理想,特別是在寫作Writing及說話Speaking 。 今日Spencer Sir想同大家分享分為讀音及發音兩部分,很多人都會讀錯或理解錯的讀音。
1. SUBTLE 意思: 低調,隱晦
錯誤示範: You know, I am a subtle (濕塗) person.
正確示範: Don’t talk about me everywhere, I want to stay low-key.
2.SALMON 意思: 三文魚
錯誤示範: You know, I love eating salmon (sale聞).
3.RECEIPT 意思: 單據
錯誤示範: May I have a receipt (Receipt) please?
4. LOUNGE 意思: 休息室,長廊
錯誤示範: You know, I just stayed at the lounge (launch) and enjoyed my food!
5. UBER 意思: call車平台
錯誤示範: Don’t wait for taxi, let’s call for Uber (Uber).
其實Uber是 (烏ber) 不是 (Uber)
1. High tea
香港人十分喜歡「 high tea」,但是其實「 high tea」不是「high tea」,而是 「afternoon tea」。 「high tea」是以往工人的用餐。
正確示範: Hong Kong people love having afternoon tea. It has become a trend.
2. Outlook
錯誤示範: What do you think about my outlook today?
Outlook是用作check email的,今天的outlook和昨天的會有不一樣嗎?
What do you think about my look today? / What do you think about my outfit today?
所以用outfit都得,不要亂用outlook,用作check email便好了。
3. Provide 意思: 提供
錯誤示範: I’ll provide the chart to you later today.
其實是 「provide something for sb」 或者 「provide somebody with sth」正確示範:
The government should provide poorer families with viable social services.
【hket TV家庭台】《湊得輕鬆啲》逢周三晚上10點伴你同行育兒路:https://bit.ly/35z6COD
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撰文 : Spencer